Sunday, November 8, 2009

Avoca Manor, a Weekend with TCDCU in the Wicklow Mountains

Avoca Manor is a retreat center in the Wicklow mountains.

I went there for a "Weekend Away" this past weekend with the Trinity College Dublin Christian Union. It was incredible. I was welcomed 100% by the Trinners. I knew a few people already from going to a few things, but I was definitely a newbie. My original plan was to go to Avoca with the CU from DIT but my schedule didn't allow it. I think that was a God thing, not that going with DIT would have been bad or anything, but I was supposed to be there this weekend.

We talked about being transformed by God. I think God has done some transforming in me over the last few years, and He has done a lot in me these last few months in Dublin. I've really learned, I think, to appreciate how blessed I am. I'm a country bumpkin from Indiana living in Europe, Europe!! How is that even possible? I have a great family who've allowed me to go on this adventure even though they don't quite understand why I want to spend 4 months an ocean from home.

The whole situation of coming to Dublin the first time, and then coming back; I see God's fingerprints all over it. I think he has some plans for my last month and a half in Ireland.

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